What started out as a resource guide of available services in 2000 within Hopkins County, Hopkins County Community Action Network as we were originally known, has transformed into CANHelp — a non-profit organization, based in faith, whose mission is to provide assistance to individuals in the communities of Sulphur Springs and Hopkins County. CANHelp offers programs and training to those who want to become financially self-sufficient, various food and health items, and other basic needs to those experiencing crises, as well as information and referral services to those who call 2-1-1 Texas. CANHelp also houses a 10,000 square foot thrift store run by dedicated staff and volunteers. Every service CANHelp provides upholds our core values of people, faith, integrity, excellence, and partnerships. CANHelp and our staff are dedicated to their clients and the community. We strive to change lives in our communities and to help guide people toward self-sufficiency.

We value PEOPLE

People matter to God and therefore matter to us
We will treat all people with dignity and respect
We will seek to the best of our ability to meet human needs

We value our FAITH

We recognize God as the creator and sustainer of life
We recognize that faith fosters an optimistic future and therefore hope
We recognize that faith is an individual matter and therefore will not force faith issues upon people.


We promise to be people of integrity,
To be upstanding in all our relationships,
To tell the truth and honor our word, and
To maintain the highest standards of accountability in our finances and other areas as well


We will strive to provide excellence in every service we offer
We will seek to continually grow in the performance of our tasks
We recognize the value of lifetime learning and will avail ourselves to such opportunities


We recognize the enormity of our assignment and that we cannot accomplish it alone
We will seek valid partnerships with churches, local, state and federal agencies, individuals and any other interested groups that meet our expectations in order that together we might minister to the needs of people
When those relationships have been established we will value them and treat each of our partners with the kind of respect that we ourselves desire from those who work with us